MattievanderWorm studied at the Rijksakademie and lives and works in Amsterdam.
What he creates is the result of his conciousnes that we, humans, are all beings who desire meaning, that we, humans, are all meaning-creating beings. This is because the universe is too large for us to live in.
This conciousnes ensures that he does not take his existence for granted and that which surrounds him as self-evident.
Making image as a bridge between meaninglessness and meaning-sense.
He actively relates to the mystery of what life is.
He sees creating meaning both as a collective act and as an individual act of meaning in which objectivity is an aspect of subjectivity. In addition to how things go like they go, He is aware of the chaos that is present around what is common and therefore interested in what else is possible."
MattievanderWorm works in an associative way. Handelend denken (acted thinking) The intellect is watching. Inviting the spectator to consult with himself and to become aware of the game of interpretation. Mirroring and disturbing assumptions and projections.
Living in stories. Critical gestures to interrupt the usualness, finally arriving at wonder.
The visual outcomes of this all are small gestures parallel to the challenges that we face at the global level. Providing oppertunities for conversations. Desires, assumptions and habits, may or may not voluntarily interfere with what we first trusted as a mutual appeal everyone's adaptability.
With generous support by