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There You Go/Here You Are

The Weight

Stolen Dream Stolen Reality

The O.M.G., Name Game

Decision after decision

A Short History of Photography

Die Dinge betrachten

But Now, Yet, Again / Pulse

Two Weathermen

 Off Senses / Future Senses

 Morning Glory, Tell Me Your Story

Fall Apart Together

Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosy

Decent, Mondriaanneke. Decent

Blind Shore, Lighthouse


Ricochet, River O La La

Pearl Painter And Her Model

Echo's In The System

Surface tension

Poly Vocality

Fear Perdu

The Shame Pain, Wicked Game

Circus Maximus, Paperbag Garden


There You Go/Here You Are

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There You Go/Here You Are / The weight of light and confessions

Vinyl film on wall, plywood board with acrylic paint text  concrete cylinders with clay text, softboard with Xerox print, 16 rolled Xerox prints, 320cm x 220cm x 220cm

The Weight

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There You Go/Here You Are / The weight of light and confessions

Wood / concrete / clay 62cm x 70cm

Trial Set up


There You Go/Here You Are / The weight of light and confessions

Acryl paint on vinyl


The Weight

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The Weight of two eyes / Blind Lighthouse

9 Giclee prints / each 62cm x 92 cm

The Weight of two eyes / Blind Lighthouse

9 Giclee prints /each 62cm x 92 cm

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The Weight of two eyes / Blind Lighthouse

9 Giclee prints / 728 cm x 92 cm

Trial Set up


 Stolen Dream / Stolen Reality

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Deep Dark Whiteness / Stolen Dream / Stolen Reality

Cut out paper / vinyl text  / paint spray / 400cm x 40cm

New Dakota, Amsterdam

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Deep Dark Whiteness / Stolen Dream Stolen Reality                                                                              Wooden stools with  vinyl text / wooden object  on the floor

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 New Dakota, Amsterdam                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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Deep Dark Whiteness / Stolen Dream Stolen Reality                                                                              Wooden stools with  vinyl text / wooden object  on the floor

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 New Dakota, Amsterdam 

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Color Correction / Stolen Dream / Stolen Reality

Vinyl text on the wall / 300cm x 30cm

New Dakota, Amsterdam

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Color Calibration / Stolen Dream Stolen Reality

Vinyl text on the wall / 400cm x 55cm

New Dakota, Amsterdam


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The O.M.G. Name Game

Poster / Chicleeprint / 90cm x 180cm

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The O.M.G. Name Game

Poster / Chicleeprint / 90cm x 180cm


Decision after decision 

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Decision after desicion, after desicion

Vinyl text / Oilstick / Airspray on wall / Variabel size


A Short History of Photography

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A Short History of Photography

Blackboard paint on wall, chalk, water, airstream / Variable size / Spin off performance  without public

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Pier en Jas / Die Dinge betrachten

Giclee print / 60cm x 80cm

A Short History of Photography

Blackboard paint on wall, chalk, water, airstream/ Variable size / Spin off performance  without public


Die Dinge betrachten

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Die Dinge betrachten

Overview  / Studio presentation

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Skin to Skin / Die Dinge betrachten

Framed Giclee print and a match on top of it / 51,5cm x 65cm

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O.M.G. High & Low Name Game / Die Dinge betrachten

8 Giclee prints, 8 Vinyltext and motor oil on paper / 60cm x 85cm

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O.M.G. High & Low Name Game / Die Dinge betrachten

8 Giclee prints, 8 Vinyltext and motor oil on paper / 60cm x 85cm

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Pier and Jacket

Giclee print / 60cm x 80cm


But Now,/Yet/Again. Pulse, Omstand/Arnhem

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But Now, Yet, Again/ Pulse was a three-month during , daily changing installation curatorship by MattievanderWorm

with artworks and workshop of three generations of artists

 Omstand / Arnhem

Thanks to:

J.C.J. van der Heyden / Justin Gosker / Louwrien Wijers / Paul Goede / Reinaart vanHoe / Sema Bekirovic / Voebe de Gruyter / Willem de Haan  /               Leon Stoffelen / Anna Spiliotopoulou / Bjørg Linde de Greeff / Annelie Konings / Rob Groot Zevert /  Ad de Jong / Wim van der Aar / Fonds Kwadraat.

Crowdfunding: Voordekunst& Provincie Gelderland.

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But Now / Yet/ Again. Pulse

Tell Them I Said No / Page 54-55 / Martin Herbert / Quote  Stanley Brown / Giclee print / 42cm x 29,7cm

                                                                                                                                                                                             Omstand / Arnhem

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But Now / Yet/ Again. Pulse

MattievanderWorm / Sterrenschuim. 01/02/03/04 /  Prints on forex / 200cm x 300cmx 1cm

              Crowd funding: Voordekunst

Omstand / Arnhem

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But Now / Yet/ Again. Pulse

MattievanderWorm / Sterrenschuim. 01/02/03/04 / Prints on forex / 200cm x 300cmx 1cm

These more than man-high prints , together with  two meteorites  formed the constant within the daily changing  installation

Omstand / Arnhem

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 Paul Goede / Two vertical positioned meteorites

These to meteorites together with four more than man-high prints , formed the constant within the daily changing  installation

Omstand / Arnhem

But Now / Yet/ Again. Pulse

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But Now / Yet/ Again. Pulse

Louwrien Wijers /  Joseph Beuys, Stanislav Menshikov and Louwrien / On economy / Giclee Print / 140 x 70cm

 Omstand / Arnhem

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But Now / Yet/ Again. Pulse

JCJ van der Heyden / Yellow Beam / 77,3cm x 0,8cm / Caseine paint on canvas on panel

Omstand / Arnhem

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Mount Fuji / Giclee print/ 60 cm x 80cm

MattievanderWorm / Without title / Giclee print/ 29,7cm x 42cm

Omstand / Arnhem

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But Now / Yet/ Again. Pulse

MattievanderWorm /  Pure Horsepower / Objet Trouvé

                                                     Omstand / Arnhem

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But Now / Yet/ Again. Pulse

MattievanderWorm  / Finissage / Art Is For Beginners / Air spray / 16print / 60cm x 80cm each / spread over four rooms

                                                                                                                                         Omstand / Arnhem

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But Now / Yet/ Again. Pulse

MattievanderWorm  / Finissage / Art Is For Beginners / Air spray / 16print / 60cm x 80cm each / spread over four rooms

                                                                                                                                          Omstand / Arnhem

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But Now / Yet/ Again. Pulse

MattievanderWorm / Vinyl text on window

Art Is For Beginner / Carved Wet Clay / 15cm x 15cm x 45cm

MattievanderWorm / Art Is For Beginners / Performance / Notched text in dried clay

         Museum Of Modern Art Arnhem & Omstand / Arnhem 


Two Weathermen

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Two Weathermen's Blue Horizon

 Overview / Two Weathermen's Blue Horizon / Giclee prints

Projectroom Rijksakademie

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Two Weathermen's Blue Horizon

 Two Weathermen's Blue Horizon / Giclee print / 80cm x 120cm

Projectroom Rijksakademie


Off Senses / Future Senses

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Yellow Tree Yellow / Off Sesses / Future Senses

Yellow Tree Yellow / Giclee print on adhesive printpaper on wall / 300c x 400cm

GEMAK / Den Haag

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Yellow Tree Yellow / Off Sesses / Future Senses

Yellow Tree Yellow / Giclee print on adhesive printpaper on wall / 300c x 400cm

GEMAK / Den Haag

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Yellow Tree Yellow / Off Sesses / Future Senses

Yellow Tree Yellow / Giclee print on adhesive printpaper on wall / 300cm x 400cm

GEMAK / Den Haag

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Cratch & Scrape / Off Sesses / Future Senses

Scratch & Scrape / Giclee print on adhesive printpaper on wall / Detail

GEMAK / Den Haag

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Cratch & Scrape / Off Sesses / Future Senses

Scratch & Scrape / Giclee print on adhesive printpaper on wall / 70cm x 290cm

GEMAK / Den Haag

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Off Sesses / Future Senses

Scratch & Scrape / Giclee print on adhesive printpaper on wall / 290cm x 70cm

GEMAK / Den Haag


Morning Glory Tell Me Your Story

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Morning Glory Tell Me Your Story

2 Giclee print  / 150cm x 150cm each  / 1 Color  drawing / 150cm x 150cm / 5 Name lists / 21cm x 29,7 cm each

In colabaration with Arletta Kaper, Rijks Universiteit Groningen and Civil affairs of the municipality Sittard

Het Domein / Sittard

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Morning Glory Tell Me Your Story / 2 Giclee print  / 150cm x 150cm each  / 1 Color  drawing / 150cm x 150cm / 5 Name lists / 21cm x 29,7 cm each

In colabaration with Arletta Kaper, Rijks Universiteit Groningen and Civil affairs of the municipality Sittard

Het Domein / Sittard

The left image is a compilation of a collection of Dutch seeds photographed via microscope. Those photos were taken for scientific interest. Determine, categorize and archive. The other photo was taken on the outskirts of Sittard and can be recognized as such by locals. This spherical landscape photo suggests an event that cannot be explained by conventional science. It can be stated with certainty that it is not the representation of the drawing Is "real"

Morning Glory, Tell me your story consisted of 5 lists of names of children born during the exhibition period, two photos and a pencil drawing.                     

The names were obtained through collaboration with parents and employees of the registry office of the municipality of Sittard. 

Every day, new names of the brand new babies were added to the list, making Morning Glory a work that changed over time.


Fall Apart Together

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Fall Apart Together

Giclee print on adhesive printpaper on wall / 100cm x 600cm /  Two half nails

Coming Home For Christmas / KuS / Heerlen


Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosy

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Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosy

 4 Giclee print on Hahnemulle/ 100cm x 100cm / 100cm x 1660cm / Charcoal on the wall

Projectroom Rijksakademie/ Amsterdam


Descent, Mondriaanneke, Descent

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Descent, Mondriaanneke, Descent

 4 Cyanotypie prints / 63cm x 80cm each

Blair / Amsterdam


Blind Shore, Lighthouse

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Blind Shore, Lighthouse

Blind Shore, Lighthouse / 17 Black & White prints prints / 10cm x 15cm each

Bedroom of the artist (Bulent Evren) /  Lighthouse / Amsterdam

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Blind Shore, Lighthouse

Blind Shore, Lighthouse / 17 Black & White prints prints / 10cm x 15cm each

Bedroom of an artist (Bulent Evren) /  Lighthouse / Amsterdam



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Roosmatroos / Binnenschippers

Binnenschippers / Cybaprints on aluminium/ 150cm x 150cm each

De Parel / Amsterdam

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Roosmatroos / Geelmatroos / Groenmatroos / Binnenschippers

Binnenschippers / Cybaprints on aluminium/ 150cm x 150cm each

De Parel / Amsterdam


Ricochet, River O La La

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Rocochet, River O LaLa

Zerox print / 275cm x 640cm

Offset print / 80cm x 120cm each / Edition 20.000

Rhynzaal Museum for Modern Art / Arnhem


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Spaces between two analogue photographs

 3 Giclee print on Hahnemulle/ 30cm x 180cm

Projectroom Rijksakademie/ Amsterdam


Pealr Painter

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Pearlpainter and her vehicle

Zerox print / 300cm x 400cm

De Parel / Amsterdam

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Pearlpainter and her model

Zerox print / 300cm x 400cm

De Parel / Amsterdam


Echo's In The System

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Echo's In The System

In collaboration with Arletta Kaper

12 Wax portrets, glossy PC Photopaper on the wall / 24cm x 30cm

Photo Festival / Naarden

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Echo's In The System

In collaboration with Arletta Kaper

12 Wax portrets, glossy PC Photopaper on the wall / 24cm x 30cm

Photo Festival / Naarden



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Cotton Wool on the wall / 220cm x 420cm

Haagweg  / Leiden


Fear Perdu

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Fear Perdu

Silkscreen on blotting paper on the waal, foam board, Iron ring / 240cm x 24cm

 Perdu / Amsterdam

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The Shame Pain Wicked Game

Silkscreen on blotting paper on the wall, foam board, Iron ring / 240cm x 24cm

Perdu / Amsterdam



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Rope, blotting paper, paper / 200cm x 350cm

Hooghuis / Arnhem


The Shame Pain Wicked Game

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Two classrooms, two drawings carved in the wall,  filled with fungi / 400cm x 150cm each

Het Wilde Weten /Rotterdam


Circus Maximus  Paperbag Garden

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Circus Maximus / Paperbag garden

Modified shopping bags / 400cm x 1200cm x 38cm

Glassell School of Arts / Houston / Texas


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